I am a small town girl from Oklahoma City. I have dreams to be someone famous and live in a big city. Fashion
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Price: $1,750
Release: Early 2017
Review: Funky purse with various splash of color. One of my wish list items I am dying to add to my personal collection. Its certainly a hidden gem and hard to find. Resellers have posted price to almost $3,500 bucks! With the price driven up by resellers, only leaves a girl to continue to wish one day I will score this item.
I have been using Urban Skin products for about 6 months now. I just started using the Enzyme mask (a week ago) and I am already seeing results! My skin is smoother and starting to give off a naturally radiant look... definite 5 star productWhat I notice when I use this product is the tingling sensation this creates once applied. It gives a nice glow while on and even longer glow once washed but what I have noticed are some fine bumps on my face. I would like for someone to contact me to further explain some side effects or if this is normal. Link to website: